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d.velop AG
Schildarpstraße 6-8
48712 Gescher, Germany
Rainer Hehmann, Dr. Stephan Held, Nico Bäumer, Martin Greiwe
Dr. Helmut Bäumer
Telephone: +49 (0) 2542 9307-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2542 9307-6999
Sales tax identification number: DE813062165
Registration court: Amtsgericht Coesfeld, HRB No. 4903
Responsible for content acc. to Section 55 Item 2 RStV: Rainer Hehmann
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AllzweckJack /
Background vector developed by Freepik
Photo credit: Campus-Schafe / BOCK NEUHAUS PARTNER
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